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The Jackman Journal

Volume 1  
May 2004

Journal Beginnings
-Bob Jackman

This is the first edition of our newsletter that we are going to be putting out monthly from now on. I hope that this will be a great way for us to share the things that are happening in our lives. Also, a way to keep track of events and things as a sort of a journal, since I am not very good at writing a "traditional" journal.

April brought many new experiences. Damon was bit by a dog. That was a little scary. It looked really bad and I was really worried it was going to leave a really bad scar. So far it has healed up very well.

Damon also had is his first Easter. He is really too young to know what is going on, but it was fun for us as parents to have that first experience. Damon brings so much joy into our lives.

I know that there are many things that I want to do when I grow up, but I don't know if i will ever really get to do those things. I wonder sometimes if I will ever make it past what is going on now.

Something else to consider, as well. When is this article really going to be seen by anyone anyway.

Summer Fun!
-Alicia Jackman

This Summer is looking like a great one so far! Bob is busy with the Greenshow, part of the Shakespearean Festival, all day so that leaves Damon and I for adventures.

I've found the Gym here that has babysitting and I enjoy a good Yoga or Pilate's class for my little time each day. Boy does that make a difference in how the day goes.

Damon and I are planning a trip with the Spence's to Washington DC that we are excited about. Hope Damon remembers it, cause it'll be a great trip!

Other than that, Alicia is going to be so absorbed in her two men's exciting lives this summer! :)

My Exciting Life
-Damon Jackman

I have many new and exciting things to tell you all about what has been going on in my life. I lead a simple life and really enjoy having it that way. I don't know if I could handle a life that was much more complex that this.

I learned how to stand up. That was a big accomplishment for me. I wonder if I will ever be able to get anywhere beyond that.

I have four teeth now and two more trying to come through. Mom & Dad say I've been really cranky lately because of it. I don't know what they mean.

If I could pick, I would have Kix EVERY meal! Cheerios just don't cut it anymore!

© 2004 Robert Jackman