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The Jackman Journal

Volume 31  
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Summer Time!
-Alicia Jackman

I love the summer time! I love being with the kids, not having to really stress about anything, and just enjoying being outside. Bob was great in fixing our sprinkling system since the neighbors new fench posts shaddered our line, which we didn't know until we turned on the water. Now the sprinklers are working, the lawn is looking good, the garden is growing... it's wonderful! We've already had lots of lettuce and have planted more rows which seem to grow quickly. Bob also recently took out two aspen trees. It's crazy that when we moved in there was 6 trees on this small lot and now there's 1 left! :)

Bob has been enjoying his new job and looks like he will be more busy during the summer than during the school year which will be different for us after having a teacher schedule with summers off, but it's good and he loves his job. Today is Father's day and there's so many wonderful things we love about our daddy's! We hope all the Dad's had a great and relaxing day!

Damon is in year round school so he'll be going until July 2nd then back by Aug.16th. Not much of a break, but at least it's only a few hours in the morning. He's doing so well in school, and this week gets to have school lunch practice before 1st grade! He's excited! :)

Kylie is out of school for the summer, she keeps saying she's "Off Track for the summer!" Damon & Kylie have fun workbooks to work out of for the summer to keep them up on their studies! :) Kylie is our very tall girl and is such a big helper for mommy. She is so good at playing with William so I can get stuff done around the house. She's also a very happy girl and loves to sing!

William is my real doll! I just think he is the sweetest baby! I know my other kids were great too, but he is always happy and so fun to watch him discover new things. He's crawling and wants to walk to badly. He now has 5 teeth with a 6th one almost out. He loves to chatter and say "mama" "dada" and has one high pitched screech!

We have two Estonian girls staying with us for the summer as they are selling childrens books. So Damon moved upstairs to share a room with William and William thinks it's the best thing ever. Damon on the other hand doesn't like the 5am wake up call from William!

This past year we had passes to the zoo and all the kids had a fun time seeing all the animals. There were so many babies born at the Hogle Zoo this past year it was wonderful to see them and have the kids see all types of animals. Our pass expires the end of the month, and we're really trying to knock out our debt this year and probably for the next few years. So we'll be trying to do fun, free activities for the summer, which will not be hard to do!

Hope everyone has a fun and safe Summer!!!



Summer fun
-Damon Jackman

I am so excited for summer. I have already been outside lots and got sunburnt on my back! I love to run through the sprinklers, play in the pool, go to my cousins to play and climbing in my favorite tree.

I am learning how to play the trumpet right now and my dad is teaching me. I'm going to perform in a family recital in November that I'm really excited for.

Mom keeps telling me I'm growing up too fast, but I like being big. I can read a lot more now, and can read the scriptures with my Mom & Dad.

-Kylie Jackman

I enjoy helping my Mom and one of my favorite things to do is help her in the yard. I helped plant most of the garden with her, and we planted some more seeds yesterday since our cat keeps digging in our garden boxes. I also like to water the flowers. My favorite thing to do is play with my big brother. We like to play outside in the pool or the sprinklers, or anything Damon wants to play!

On the Move!
-William Jackman

I have 5 teeth now, can roll, crawl and sit up by myself. I don't want to use the walker like an old person, I want your fingers and I'll walk! I am such a good baby to play with my toys, or crawl after what I want. The baby gate just got put up since I kept hanging by the stairs. I love my sister and brother and LOVE to eat!!! :)


Father's Day!
-Bob Jackman

(To be added...)


© 2004 Robert Jackman