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The Jackman Journal

Volume 14  
Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter!
-Alicia Jackman

It's already 2007! Where does the time go! Bob and I celebrated our 5th year Anniversary in January! It's fun to look back at 5 years, which isn't very long of course, but it has been 5 great years with many wonderful, happy memories. I am definately more in love with Bob then when we were married and it just grows every day.

This year our baby girl will be turning the BIG 1! Crazy to think it was a year ago we were rushing to the hospital, dropping off Damon and having a sweet little girl come into our lives. She is so much fun, talkative and getting into stuff. She had a slow start in the crawling stages, but she's starting to catch on, along with eating what WE eat!

Damon is still an amazing helper and loves to pretend. He's very active with his lightsaber fights (which I believe there's a video on You tube). He is also very kind and always says, "Thank you" and "I love you". Everytime we drive by the Elementary school he reminds me it's his school when he's big!

This year is going to be a great one, I just know it!

The Bunny came to my house!
-Damon Jackman

I am still learning my ABC's and have my numbers down from 1-12. I love to sing, play store, read books, play with my friends, and especially play with Daddy when he gets home. Kylie is still my best friend. We love to laugh together and take bubble baths and splash until Mom takes us out.

Braxton is my friend and my cousin and we play lots together too. Brynn's puppy Belle had puppies and I love to hold them until they stop crying.

Happy Girl!!
-Kylie Jackman

"Da...Da, da... Ba, ba, Mama.... " I'm a little old lady with my Walker and

UMEA Presentor!
-Bob Jackman

(To Be added... when he gets the moment!)

© 2004 Robert Jackman