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The Jackman Journal

Volume 10  
Sunday, July 2, 2006

Happy & Sad!
-Alicia Jackman

This past month has been pretty busy, from going to Lagoon, Ragging Waters, to our Cousin Aaron getting married (to someone we are all very impressed with!), to our little Logan going on his mission to Brazil.

This past Month we have been excited for our little Logan to serve a mission. We have watched as Mom has bought him luggage, suites, and even his shoes (size monster feet!).

Logan had his farewell talk on Sunday which he did a great job expressing himself and sharing his love for the gospel. Monday night he was set apart as a missionary by his Stake President Ringger who said there are some missionaries that are great kids, but not quite ready for their missions. Logan is not that way, he said he is really ready. He is such a great well rounded person that it's hard for us to not be around him, but he will certainly bless a lot of lives, especially to feel our Saviors love for them. We are all smiles in this photo, but that all changed as we said our good-bye's. We will truly miss our Logan.

On a mission...
-Damon Jackman

I am growing up more and more every day Mom says. I love to play in our little pool just about everyday. I play with my friend Emma every morning so our Mom's can go to the Gym. Kylie is getting more and more fun to play with. I like to give her Zerbits in the bathtub and make her laugh.

I don't really know what's been going on, but I've gotten to spend a lot of time with my big family. Playing with cousin Braxton on the wood truck Grandpa & Logan made for us. Logan talked in Church, but I was interested in my snacks, and then we got to jump on the trampoline afterwards. I LOVE Grandma & Grandpa's house!! Logan got all serious and wanted hugs one night.. and he said he was going on a mission. I'm not sure what a mission is, but when I'm big I'm going to go on a mission too.

Teaching & Learning
-Bob Jackman

Well, my first year of teaching is now over! I have happy and sad feelings about this. The nice thing is that most of the students I had last year I will still have next year. The summer has started off great, but it is not as relaxing as I hoped it would be. I have started my first class for my Masters Degree and I am learning so much. It truly is amazing how the more you learn, the more you realize you don't know.

The summer is moving away much faster than I had hoped, but I am enjoying it. It was fun to see Logan prepare for and leave on his mission. I know that he is truly more prepared than most young men that leave and that he will be an amazing missionary.

I look forward to enjoying the rest of my summer. I have a lot to get ready for next year's school, but I hope to get a chance to relax a little. I am going to be taking Alicia on a week long vacation, location to be announced. It should be a lot of fun for us.

© 2004 Robert Jackman