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The Jackman Journal

Volume 8  
Sunday, March 26, 2006

One to Two!

-Alicia Jackman

I just love being a Mom right now... now that the blow-out diapers have slowed and I've been getting more sleep! Although Damon likes to climb in bed with us now and then, and we get a pretty full bed come morning time.

Kylie is such a doll! She is smiling and cooing at us. She's so fun to dress up and do her hair! I never thought I'd have this much fun with a girl, and I love it.

Damon has been such a great helper. He isn't jealous of her, at least he's not acting out like he is, but he sure likes to show off for anyone who comes to see her. He doesn't want anyone to forget him! I have been so touched by all the sweet people who have given us so many cute things for Kylie, THEN add a little something for Damon. Thank you so much!

Bob has been so good to come home and just PLAY with Damon! He's such a great Father. Damon loves to tell his Dad all about the day when he gets home and tries to get him to play baseball with him before dinner.

Bob was such a sweet husband this past weekend! He sent me flowers, got a babysitter for both kids and took me to dinner, then a movie at home that night. It was nice to spend time with just him, although it's hard not to talk about the kids all night!

We are truly blessed!

Big Brother
-Damon Jackman


Things have been good for me! Aunt Kate moved in our home and she is so good to me. She gives me gifts all the time when she goes on trips and she lets me watch my favorite 'Scooby-Do' movie on her portable DVD player.... although, I just found out Uncle Logan is going on a mission and I say, "No more missions."

I can count to 12 now, I'm learning my colors (Mom thinks I might me colorblind because I only remember red & blue right now); my favorite songs are Book of Mormon stories, I am a Child of God, Rudolph the red nose4 reindeer, and Give said the little stream.

I've been practicing the potty training thing... sometimes I want to practice and sometimes not!

Teaching & Learning
-Bob Jackman

Festival season is well under way! We started the whole thing off with the dedication of our new school building. That went extremely well. We got really great remarks about our playing there. We then had Orchestra festival, at which the students played really well. My advanced orchestra has a very good sound. We are now getting ready for band festival, which will be in a few weeks. This whole season of festivals is extremely stressful. It is a really big deal in the music community to do well at these festivals and even though I am only a first year teacher, I want to do well. I guess that is the perfectionist in me.

I applied for entrance into the Music Education Masters Degree program at the University of Utah. I am really excited about starting my masters.
Just when I thought I was done with being a student, I start it all back up again. I am thinking that I will do my project on technology in the music classroom. I have already started doing some things that have been fun and gotten some interesting results.

Kylie is growing bigger everyday! I can't believe that she is a month old already! The time goes by so fast. She is the cutest little thing!

© 2004 Robert Jackman