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The Jackman Journal

Volume 7  
Sunday, February 26, 2006

One to Two!

-Alicia Jackman

Well as predicted our little baby did come earlier than our induced time. Well she came 6 hours earlier! :) We were expecting to be induced at 7am on Feb. 13th, and my water broke at 1am. Poor Damon was woke up in the middle of sleeping to be wisked off to Grandma & Grandpa's house.

Little Kylie Maie arrived that morning at 9:11am at the American Fork Hospital weighing in at 6 lbs 14 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. The labor and everything went well. She is a beautiful healthy little girl.

I spend my past couple weeks doing laundry almost everyday, feeding, changing diapers, and trying to take naps at the same time as the kids.

We have been so blessed with such a wonderful ward, Family & Friends. So many people have blessed us with dinners, gifts, watching Damon and so much more!

We want to say a BIG Thank you to everyone!


Big Brother
-Damon Jackman

I am so excited to be a big brother. I have been waiting for so long to meet my new baby sister. Baby Kylie is wonderful and I love taking care of her and helping Mommy and Daddy with her diapers and getting her dressed and anything that I possibly can. I love holding her, but not for very long, and kissing her cute little head. I'm so glad to be a big brother.

Teaching & Learning
-Bob Jackman

Well, I have been working hard at trying to get this teaching thing down.
Who knew that teaching music could be so complicated. So far I can't complain too much. I really do love teaching music. I just keep reminding myself that everyone tells me that next year will be much easier. I must say, that having a new little one has been more difficult, but I love her so much that it is all worth it.


© 2004 Robert Jackman